Book Review
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Book Review


Book Review

Books We've Read Along the Way

What can we say.  We're engineers.  While this whole baby-thing is strange and wonderful, it's also a good chance to learn some new stuff while we prepare to be the best parents that we can.  Here are our thoughts regarding the various books we've read on the subject.

Book Diane's Thoughts Preston's Thoughts / Yahoo Pregnancy Calendar TBS Ok, they're not books but they are informative.  Yahoo pulls their data from but does have different methods of computing things.'s free weekly e-mail is pretty interesting, particularly in the beginning when there are major systemic changes to mother and baby.  But the whole process of counting during pregnancy will drive you nuts.  10 lunar months of gestation, x weeks pregnant vs y weeks complete vs being in the z'th week.  All computed from the beginning of the last cycle...
What to Expect when You're Expecting (3rd Ed)

By Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, and Sandee Hathaway

TBS Very good book that walks you through the whole process and explains what's happening every step of the way.  This seems to be the standard book that everybody's read.
Consumer Reports' Best Baby Products (8th Ed)

By Sandra Gordon

TBS EXCELLENT.  This book provides good insight into what's really needed vs. what people think they need.  Also give guidelines for evaluating the quality and features of various products.
The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy

by Vicki Iovine

TBS EXCELLENT.  This is a humorous book that also provides insight into pregnancy issue that no other book addresses.
The New Well Pregnancy Book

By Mike Samuels & Nancy Samuels

TBS Kinda fru-fru and granola.  There's some useful information here but it takes far to long to read and extract it.  For an engineer, the fru-fru stuff detracts from the scientific validity / relevance of the  information that's provided.
The Pilates Pregnancy

By Mari Winsor

TBS Not read.  Note likely to read.

By Mason Brown

Not read.  Not likely to read. If you like "The Man Show" then you'll like this.  Pure humor.  No valid information for somebody looking to research the process.  But it's amusing.
??? by Sears TBS Not yet read.
Planning Your Pregnancy and Birth (3rd Ed)

By The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

TBS Not yet read.
The Expectant Father

By Armin Brott and Jennifer Ash

Not read.  Not likely to read. VERY good book.  Not as funny as "The Girlfriend's Guide ..." or as focused as "What to Expect..." but this gives a very good overview of the whole process from the male's point of view.  Very unusual since almost everything else out there is for the women (even all those Parenting and Baby magazines that pretend to be for both but have a majority of the articles dedicated to women's issues).
Baby chronicles

By Dania Lebovics

TBS Not really for reading.  This is one of those books for compiling pictures & such for the baby to check out in the future.
The Amazing Dad: More than 400 Ways to Wow the Kids

By Giovanni Livera & Ken Preuss

Not yet read. Not yet read.
The Birth Book

By William Sears and Martha Sears

Not yet read. Not yet read.
The Complete Idiot's Guide: Fatherhood

By Kevin Osborn

Not read.  Note likely to read. Decent book.  Some unique thoughts and insights provided.  Decent and comprehensive from a father's point of view.



This site was last updated 01/27/08